This error happens when your NHS Login details don’t match your Patients Know Best (PKB) account. It often occurs if:

  • The email address you’re using has been registered before. It’s common for a shared email address (e.g. one used by a partner or child) to already be linked to another Patients Know Best record.

  • There’s already an PKB account linked to your NHS number, but it’s using a different email address. This can happen if your healthcare provider created your PKB record using outdated contact details for you.

To resolve this issue, you’ll need to make sure the email addresses on PKB and NHS Login match.

Matching the emails

First confirm the name of the PKB record holder by clicking the ‘Forgot Password’ link on our login page. This triggers an email to be sent to your email address so you may check the name of the record holder.

If the reset email is addressed to you

You should Change your NHS login email address to match the one on your PKB account.

If the reset email is addressed to a family member:

You should request your family member changes the email on their PKB record so that you can use it with your own PKB record. Instructions can be found here.

Finally, refresh the Account Link:

  • Use this link to refresh the connection: Refresh Account Link.
  • Sign in with your NHS login.
  • Confirm your PKB password when prompted.