If you’re unable to see your test results in Patients Know Best (PKB), this guide will help you understand why and what to do next.

Finding your test results

  1. Log into your PKB account.

  2. Go to the Health tab and select Tests or Imaging.

  3. Use the Latest view to see your most recent results or Trend to see changes over time.

If you don’t see your results, here are some possible reasons:

Healthcare provider isn't sending results

Not all healthcare providers using Patients Know Best will send their patients test results, we are working closely with all providers to maximise the information sent to patients but this may be why you cannot see your test results in your patient record.

Delayed Test Results

Some hospitals delay releasing certain test results, especially those considered sensitive, to allow clinicians to discuss them with patients first. If your results are delayed, you’ll see the expected release date in your record. Remember, PKB won’t notify you when results become available, so make a note of when to check back.

  • Renal Patients: Your results shouldn’t be delayed. Contact your renal team or the UKKA support team at [email protected] if delays occur. They’ll check whether your results were sent to PKB.

GP Test Results

GP-ordered tests may only appear if processed by a hospital connected to PKB.

Exporting your results

Currently, PKB doesn’t support exporting results directly, but you can print or save them as a PDF by right-clicking the page and selecting 'Print' then saving as a PDF.

Still can't see your results?

If your results are still missing, contact your healthcare provider to confirm they’ve sent the data. If they have, please reach out to PKB support for further assistance.