If you need to cancel, change, or ask about an appointment, the best people to contact are your healthcare provider or the clinical team listed on your appointment letter. They have all the information needed to help you quickly.
Unfortunately, Patients Know Best support staff aren’t able to manage appointment bookings or queries. To save time, we recommend calling the phone number or using the email address included in your appointment letter or email.
If you’ve misplaced those details, don’t worry, we’ve put together a list of contact information for NHS Trusts below to point you in the right direction.
North of England
Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust | 01274 274 274 |
https://www.bradfordhospitals.nhs.uk/patients-and-visitors/outpatients/ | |
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust | 01484 355370 |
https://www.cht.nhs.uk/patients-visitors/outpatient-appointments | |
Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust | 0345 608 8888 |
https://www.wuth.nhs.uk/our-locations/clatterbridge-hospital/your-appointment/change-an-appointment/ | |
East Cheshire NHS Trust | 01625 663333 |
https://services.eastcheshire.nhs.uk/outpatients | |
Harrogate & District NHS Foundation Trust | Patients can cancel or reschedule an outpatient appointment in PKB To cancel or reschedule an outpatient appointment within 72 hours of the appointment time: |
https://www.hdft.nhs.uk/patients/appointments/ | |
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust | 01482 604444 |
[email protected] | |
Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | 01270 612200 |
Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust | Patients can cancel or reschedule an outpatient appointment in PKB To cancel or reschedule an outpatient appointment within 72 hours of the appointment time, call: 01924 541000 |
https://www.midyorks.nhs.uk/cancel-or-change-appointment/ | |
North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust | https://www.nlg.nhs.uk/patients/appointments/ |
South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Trust | [email protected] |
York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | 01904 726400 |
https://www.yorkhospitals.nhs.uk/contact-us/change-your-appointment/ |
Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust | South Staffordshire: Telephone: 8081963002 email: [email protected] |
Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Telephone: 08081964501 email: [email protected] | |
Sherwood Forest Hospitals Trust | 01623 672383 |
https://www.sfh-tr.nhs.uk/for-patients-visitors/patients/outpatient-appointments/ | |
University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust | https://www.uhdb.nhs.uk/your-appointment/ |
University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust | 01782 676676 |
https://www.uhnm.nhs.uk/patients-and-visitors/for-outpatients |
Barking, Havering & Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust | https://www.bhrhospitals.nhs.uk/change-your-appointment |
Barts NHS Trust | The Royal London Hospital: 020 7767 3200 Mile End Hospital: 020 7767 3200 St Bartholomew’s Hospital: 020 7767 3200 Whipps Cross Hospital: 0207 767 3303 |
https://www.bartshealth.nhs.uk/changing-or-cancelling-an-appointment | |
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust | https://www.chelwest.nhs.uk/your-visit/make-change-or-cancel-an-appointment |
Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust | 020 8510 5544 |
[email protected] | |
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust | 020 3313 5000 |
[email protected] | |
Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust | 020 8333 3216 |
https://www.lewishamandgreenwich.nhs.uk/change-your-appointment/ | |
London North West Healthcare Trust | Central Middlesex Hospital, Ealing Hospital, Northwick Park Hospital:0208 235 4200 St Mark’s Hospital: 0208 235 4051 |
https://www.lnwh.nhs.uk/change/ | |
North East London NHS Foundation Trust | 0300 555 1200 |
https://www.nelft.nhs.uk/contact-us/ | |
The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | 01895 279200 |
https://thh.nhs.uk/appointments/ |
South of England
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust | https://www.dgt.nhs.uk/services/a-z-services/outpatient-services |
East Sussex Healthcare Trust | 0300 131 4600 |
https://www.esht.nhs.uk/your-care/your-outpatient-appointment/cancel-or-reschedule-your-outpatient-appointment/ | |
Essex Partnership University Foundation NHS Trust | [email protected] |
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust | Patients can cancel or reschedule an outpatient appointment in PKB To cancel or reschedule an outpatient appointment within 72 hours of the appointment time: 0345 6088888 |
https://www.mtw.nhs.uk/patients-visitors/make-change-or-cancel-an-appointment/ | |
Medway NHS Trust | 01634 969800 |
https://www.medway.nhs.uk/contact-us/appointment-queries/ | |
Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust | https://www.mse.nhs.uk/appointments/ |
Queen Victoria Hospital | 01342 414000 |
https://www.qvh.nhs.uk/contact-us/ | |
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust | 01752 202082 |
https://www.plymouthhospitals.nhs.uk/your-outpatient-appointment/ | |
University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust | 0300 131 6770 |
https://www.uhsussex.nhs.uk/contact/appointments/ |
Swansea Bay University Health Board | 01639 683344 |
https://sbuhb.nhs.wales/about-us/contact-us/ |