If you need immediate medical attention, please contact 111 or in an emergency, 999.
At Patients Know Best, we provide the secure platform for your patient record. While we help you access and manage your health information, however we’re not part of your clinical care team. This means our support team cannot:
- Offer medical advice or guidance on your condition.
- Speak to you about your test results, prescriptions, or other clinical information.
- Make changes to the information in your record.
Who to contact for medical or appointment queries
For any questions about your health or care, your clinical team is the best point of contact. We have a directory of useful contacts here: Contact details for appointment enquiries
Need technical support?
At Patients Know Best, our technical support team is here to help with specific platform-related technical issues. We can assist with:
- Investigating system errors or bugs within the platform.
- Resolving issues with the functionality of your patient record, such as features not working as intended.